Presentation Actions

'Guided Actions' are a convenient and effective means of extending the classic flow of analytics to direct users through extra functionality "buried" in the dashboard that is triggered based on the user's interactions.

Use the Actions wizard to configure specified actions that will be triggered when a user clicks somewhere on the visual or slide. Present Actions are identical to Report Actions, but include extra capabilities for slide 'jump' actions unique to Present.

Slicer Actions allow dashboard designers to configure a guided process for end users who will trigger an effect in the dashboard based on their interactive selections when they use the dashboard in runtime.

  • Click here to learn about Slicer Actions.

Note: Presentation Actions are not available in the Community edition.

Configuring Actions

To open the Actions wizard:

  1. Select the panel containing your visual on the canvas (red arrow).
  2. Click the Visuals tab (blue) to open the visuals ribbon.
  3. Click Actions (yellow).
  • To learn about the Actions wizard, including the Jump to URL functions, click here.

Actions Wizard

Add New Action

Click the plus sign (green arrow below) to add actions to the Action List. You can add multiple actions to a single Action List, but each action added to the list can contain only a single action.

Copy and Paste Actions

You can replicate the same action across multiple discoveries and publications using the copy and paste functions. This allows you to apply an existing action to another report. This way, you avoid configuring the same action multiple times.

  • Copy All: (blue arrow below) copy all actions to clipboard, and then paste them into the Action Panel of another presentation.
  • Paste: (orange arrow below) enabled if you have copied an action to clipboard.
Action Context Menu

Open an actions' context menu (red arrow below) to:

  • Copy: copy the selected action to clipboard, and then paste it into the Action Panel of another presentation.
  • Delete: delete the action.

Action Settings


Name your action; the action's name will appear in the actions context menu later on.

Trigger Element

Set the target type, which, when clicked, triggers the action. This might be a report, hierarchy, measure, member, or cells. The action is available only for the selected target:

  • Report: the action is available from any report element
  • Hierarchy: the action is available only for the specified hierarchy
  • Member: the action is available for the selected member only
  • Cells: the action is available from the cell (data point) context menus
Action to Do

Choose the type of action that should be performed when the trigger element is clicked:

  • Jump To Slide: open a slide in the current presentation. This may be a slide specified by number or name, or it may be based on a PQL function.
  • Jump To Content Item: jump to a specified item in content. Select the required content item form the content tree, and whether it should display in a new tab, or pop up, or in place.
  • Jump To Tab: jump to a given tab in a specified mini-tab layout container.
  • Jump To URL: use PQL functions to produce the URL and open it in a new tab. Select this item if you want to open a URL. The URL Data panel will open - copy and paste the required URL, and add any function that you want to perform on the target. Click here to learn more about the Jump to URL option.
  • Execute JavaScript: when the specified report element is selected, a JavaScript function will be executed.
  • Tooltip: create a tooltip that displays a specified data discovery or presentation. Note: Tooltip actions configured from present will be applied only to that instance of the discovery - the tooltip won't be seen when the discovery is added to other presentations or opened in Discover.
  • Publication Print: export as a static publication without distributing or scheduling. Click here to learn more about publication printing.
  • Subscribe: subscribe to the Presentation to export the presentation on a scheduled basis.
  • Print: Print the dashboard or slide of a running presentation. Click here to learn more about printing.
  • Bookmark: open a list of bookmarks.

Jump to Slide

When the Jump to Slide action is selected, users can choose to configure either a simple or an advanced action:


A simple Jump To Slide action opens a slide that was given (either by number or by name) by the user who configured the action.

Select Jump To Slide from the Action Settings panel, then configure the following options:

  • Slide Number: jumps to the given slide by index
  • Slide Name: jumps top the given slide by name
  • Inject to Target: injects the selected (clicked) data element into the target (the slide that was jumped to)


The Advanced option enables users to jump to a slide based on a given PQL formula. This offers a lot of flexibility, as the slide to jump to is determined by whether the specified conditions of the PQL expression are met, rather than by a static slide number or name. This ensures that report consumers are led to the most relevant information, based on the data that is clicked.

  • Click here to review the action PQL functions that can be configured.

Jump to a Content Item with Model Mappings

When the selected action type is 'Jump to Content Item', any interactions given at runtime are applied to the content item opened by the action. By default, Pyramid recognizes cross model mappings that have been configured between items between which an interaction has been applied.

Cross model mappings enable you to cross-filter between content items from different data models, where the relevant hierarchies or member elements are not labeled identically in each data model.

If you don't want this behavior in your 'Jump to Content Item' action, select 'Ignore Cross Model Mappings' (green highlight below) from the Actions Settings tab. In this case, if you select the Jump to Content Item action while an interaction is applied between hierarchies that have a cross model mapping configured between them, the model mapping will be ignored and you will receive an error.

Include Context

Enable the Include Context option if you want the output to include interactions you've performed on the query, such as dicing, and selecting a slice from a slicer. This option is only available if you select a data discovery as the report to open; it will not appear if you select a presentation.

Runtime Actions Context Menu

Access the storyboard actions that have been configured via the visual's context menu in the runtime engine.